Earn up to $100 per month with Apporater

Step 1

Welcome to our App Review Program! We appreciate your interest in becoming a part of our community of app reviewers. Get paid for each app rating and review.

About us: We are a USA based leading platform that connects app developers with skilled reviewers like you. Our mission is to create a win-win scenario where app developers receive valuable feedback, and you, as a reviewer, have the opportunity to earn up to $100 a month or even more by sharing writing reviews on the apps.

How It will work:
  • After sign up with us, we'll send you invite to our WhatsApp group.
  • On a daily basis, we'll send a list of apps.
  • We'll provide you the content of the reviews which you'll publish with 5-star rating.
  • After giving 5-star reviews, you'll take screenshot and send us as a proof.
  • App must stay in your phone for 7 days before you can delete it.
  • Once we'll verify the reviews, we'll add the amount in your account after 30 working days. You get 5 USD for every 10 reviews.

Policies: Before you sign up for our app review program, please carefully read and acknowledge our policies and terms. By proceeding, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

Authenticity and Genuineness: Please confirm that you understand and agree to provide honest and unbiased reviews of our clients' apps. False or misleading reviews will not be tolerated.

Payment Release: Payment will be released to you once you submit proof of your reviews on our platform. Payment frequency and method will be communicated to you via our WhatsApp group.

Confidentiality: You are not allowed to share any details of our portal or our clients with anyone outside our program. Violation of this confidentiality may result in legal actions.

Please Enter Valid Phone Number

Thank you for submitting your information.

What's next? One of our representative will invite you to our WhatsApp group and will provide you the instructions.


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